Latest today new vacant positions in the Govt Pakistan Planning Commission Jobs, Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives for the unemployed students of Sindh, Punjab, KPK, Balochistan, and Fata Pakistan. Advertisement is Posted in the Today Aaj Newspaper, Dated 14 November 2022. Applications are invited for the filling of the following vacant posts from highly committed and motivated professionals with a proven track that is in the record in their respective fields on a contract basis for the Project title of Strengthening of Ministry of PD AND R in the Monitoring and Evaluation of PSDP Projects.
Vacant Posts details of the Govt Pakistan Planning Commission Jobs
- Director Development (PPS-09), One Post.
- Chief Monitoring Officer (1 Islamabad Office and 1 For Quetta Office Balochistan), Total of Two Vacant posts.
- Chief Evaluation Officer (EQV.PPS-08), a total of One Post.
- Evaluation Officer (PPS-8), the details of total posts are is one.
- Monitoring Officer required an MA. in Economics, in Agri economics, MAB, BSc in engineering, Master in Public Health, and MS in PM, total posts are 07.
- Deputy Director Coordโs qualification required is a Masterโs degree in Economics/Agricultural Economics/Health Science/Natural Sciences, Social science, and Project Management.
- Deputy Director PMES, Having a Masterโs in Computer Science /IT can apply for this post.
- Admin Officer
- Computer Operator
- APS (PPS-06)
- Accountant
- Office Assistant
- Lower Division Clerk LDC (PPS-06)
- Photocopy Machine Operator
- Driver
- Dispatch Rider
- Chowkidar
- Naib Qasid
- Janitorial Staff Middle, Primary Pass Can apply.
How to apply for the Above all Jobs:
A). Candidates who want to apply for these can apply within fifteen days.
Advertisement Image of Ministry of Planning Commission Jobs