The government of Pakistan has announced vacant positions in the Ministry of Maritime Affairs MOMA Jobs 2023 for Punjab and Local Basis. This advertisement is published in the Dawn Newspaper, dated 05 April. Applications are invited for the following vacant posts for the appointment on a pure merit basis. The candidates who possess the following requisite qualification and experience are eligible to apply.
Details of Ministry of Maritime Jobs as below:
Name of Posts | No. of Posts | Qualification |
Stenotypist (BPS-14) | 01 | Intermediate with speed 80/40 words per minute with typing |
Dispatch Rider (BPS-04) | 01 | Primary Pass, with a valid driving License |
Naib Qasid (BPS-01) | 01 (Short-Term Vacancy) | Primary |
How to apply for Maritime Affairs Positions, process as below:
a). Interested candidates can apply online, and Application forms are available at ( and ( before the last date.
b). Applications on the prescribed format along with attested photographs of the testimonials would reach the section officer, Ministry of Maritime Affairs, 8th Floor, Kohsar Block, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad, by 10-04-2023.
c). The last date for the submission of the application form is 10 April 2023.
d). For more details candidates have to read the official advertisement image which is given below.
Advertisement Image of MOMA Jobs