The government of Pakistan wants to hire new appointments in the latest Evacuee Trust Property Board Jobs in Lahore and all of Pakistan. There are serval opportunities for the needy and unemployed candidates of Pakistan who wants to join Govt Pakistan Positions, they have a career-making opportunity to settle. This Advertisement image that you see, is published in Dan Newspaper, dated 21 December 2022. Applications are invited from Sindh, Punjab, KPK, and Balochistan Pakistan.
Positions of the latest Evacuee Trust Property Board Jobs 2022-23 are details below:
- Assistant Executive Engineer (BPS-17), in the qualifications B.Sc (Engineering).
- Assistant Architect (BPS-17), must have a degree in Architecture from HEC Institute.
- Assistant Administrator (BPS-16), Candidates must have 2nd class Law Graduates degree.
- Protocol Officer, must have Bachelor’s Degree.
- Stenotypist (BPS-14), Matric certificate.
- Manager (BPS-14), Graduate degree.
- Dispenser/Dresser (BPS-12), Matric pass.
- Draftsman (BPS-11), 3 years of Diploma pass.
- Granthi (BPS-07), Matriculation.
- Patwari (Regular Basis, BPS-7), Matric with Patwari Pass.
- Patwari (Contract basis, BPS-07), Matric Pass student.
- Cook (BPS-05), Non-matric pass.
- Fero Printer (BPS-04), Middle pass.
- Waterman (BPS-02), without matric.
- Mali (BPS-2), literate, must be proficient in gardening.
- Gangman (BPS-2), Primary pass.
- Chowkidar must have a Primary pass certificate.
Image of Advertisement Govt Pakistan Lahore Jobs