The latest Government of KPK has announced vacant posts in the Medical Teaching Institution Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad Jobs 2023. There are various vacant posts in the Advertisement and this advertisement is posted in Daily Dawn/Nawaiwaqt Newspaper, dated 03 January 2023. The Govt wants to hire new candidates for these vacant positions for competent students.
Following are the vacant Posts in the Latest Medical Teaching Institution MTI Jobs 2023:
- Anesthetist (CPS-06), Age is 22-44 years candidates can apply from All over Pakistan. The total of nine posts. In the Qualification MBBS DA, MCPS/FCPS qualified with valid PMC Registration and having experience of these Posts.
- Medical Officer (Anesthetist), 21 to 35 years age limit, only KPK Candidates can apply for 06 positions. MBBS or equivalent degree is a requirement for this Post and also he/she has completed the House Job Training from a recognized Institute.
- Medical Officer CPS-05 Age limit is 21-35, only KPK can apply for these 11 positions. MBBS degree with one year of House Job experience.
- Medical Lega Officer (CPS-05), one post only. MBBS from PAC registered university.
- CT Scan Technician (CPS-05), Females only can apply for these posts, two total positions. SSC with Science with two years Diploma in Radiology Technology from KPK Medical Faculty Institution.
- MRI Technician (CPS-02), 02 posts. Applicants must have two years diploma in a relevant field,
- Junior Clinical Technician Pathology (CPS-02), a total of nine seats. Having SSC in Science with Diploma with years in the same field.
- Junior Clinical Technician Dialysis (CPS-02), there are 02 seats.
- Phlebotomist (CPS-02), the nine seats only.
- JCT Neurology (EEG), the age limit is 18 to 30 years, and having a Domicile of Hazara Division only can apply for this post.
How to Apply for MTI Abbottabad Posts:
a). Candidates have to apply before 20 January 2023.
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