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Primary Healthcare PPHI Sindh Jobs


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Today Government of Sindh has announced various vacancies in the Redefining Primary Healthcare PPHI Sindh Jobs 2022. Unemployed candidates of Karachi, who are looking for the latest job opportunities in PPHI seats have to apply now for these vacant positions. This advertisement is published in the today Dawn Newspaper, dated 25 October 2022. Applications are invited who are dynamic and highly competent motivated for the Jobs In Sindh Pakistan on a contract basis. Positions, Qualifications, Experience, and age requirement is described below.


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Vacant Positions Detailed of the Primary Healthcare PPHI Sindh Jobs 2022 as below:

  1. Executive Program and Compliance /Program Officer (Rs.100,000/-) Posting in Karachi.
  2. Executive  HR  i. Core Program (Rs.69,000) and Allowance. ii.WFP Project (rS.85,000) Fixed Salary, Posting In Karachi.
  3. District Project Officer (Rs. 80,000), All Districts of Sindh.
  4. Assistant Registration /Assistant  Compliance (Rs.43,000), All Dist of Sindh.
  5. IYCF Counselor (Female) (Rs. 45,000) All districts of Sindh.
  6. Community Health Mobilizer (Rs.45.000), District Matiari and Tando Muhammad Khan.
  7. Crowd Controller Male (Rs.26,000), All Districts of Sindh.

Qualifications and Experience requirements for the above Posts:

  1. Master/Bachelor in Public Health, Nutrition, Project Management, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Health Policy, and psychology with two years of experience in Health/Nutrition or development projects.
  2. BBA/MBA/MPA/Masters in Human Resouces Management with one year of experience in a relevant field.
  3. Master or Bachelor in Public health, Nutrition, or Project Management with two years of experience in Health/Nutrition or four years of experience in Bachelor in Social Sciences, Humanities, and arts with three years of experience in Health/Nutrition or development projects.
  4. Master in any field, No experience requirement in the above post.
  5. Bachelors/Diploma in Nursing or LHV/Midwifery a recognized Institute of Diploma in Human Diet and Nutrition.
  6. Bachelor with a minimum of two years experience in a community survey, data collection, mobilization, and implementation of health and Nutrition.
  7. Matric, and must be a resident of the same UC in which the health facility is located. Candidates must be fluent in the local language. age is 25 to 45 years old.

How to apply for the above Vacant Jobs:

a). Candidates have to apply before the date of this ad which is 05/November/2022.

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Primary Healthcare PPHI Sindh Jobs

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